FTA Satellite Loses Weigel Television Networks Channels

If you have a FTA Only satellite system on December 5th, 2024 a popular mux with the FTA crowd went dark. These were the Weigel  network channels out of Chicago which included ME-TV, H&I, Catchy Comedy, ME-TV Toons, Movies, Story and Dabl.  These channels are now encrypted. The reason for this move by Weigel  was to control their affiliates regarding programming content rights for different markets and platforms.

Many with a FTA Only satellite system are not happy with Weigel’s decision to encrypt these signals. Rainier Satellite had many calls since this happened from folk across the U.S. with FTA satellite systems in disgust.

The problem with all FTA content is… in all honesty you’re watching a signal that your not entitled to.  The Networks own the signal and can do with it as they like.  Some FTA forums believe they have the right to anything that is in the clear and can intercept it and watch it.

Rainier Satellite’s position for years concerning  FTA content has been, here today gone tomorrow.  You can’t rely on it. The only way to assure your favorite channel and shows will be there is to buy a subscription to the service.  SkyView Television offers many very good channels from A&E Networks, Hallmark Media, Newsmax TV, Sony TV, and many more. When you purchase a subscription to SkyView you know it’s going to be there when you want to view it.

Check Out our Tis the Season to get Connected sale going on now. And have yourself a Merry Christmas with programming you can count on!